Fashion illustrationFashion illustration 時尚與防疫 照顧自己也要保護他人! Take care of your health and protect others. Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!配件是種藝術,美貌是種武器,但真正的高雅是「謙遜」。 - Coco Chanel Take care of your health and protect others.
Fashion illustration 時尚與防疫 照顧自己也要保護他人! Take care of your health and protect others. Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!配件是種藝術,美貌是種武器,但真正的高雅是「謙遜」。 - Coco Chanel Take care of your health and protect others.