炎炎夏日☀️ Maji 們來喝杯涼茶吧!
Maji® Tea Bar 想把好茶傳到全世界 就派喜氣可愛的小獅子當代表... 於是Maji的品牌設計就從這裡開始 — 喬治亞州 約翰斯克里克 為了讓整體視覺年輕化,週邊設計包含杯身、貼紙 …. 也只用黑白+美味的橙色系,「色彩可以充滿食慾,太過鮮豔亮麗,反而會讓食物走味。」
好熱啊!Maji 可以快遞一杯給我嗎?
Do you know where to get the best Boba Tea and an ice refreshing fruit tea?
We serve premium Maji® Tea Bar. Every cup of tea, food, dessert...we offer is expertly tea, tea aroma, asian culture and handcrafted all the way from the farm to you.
It’s a commitment to quality that’s evident in every we provided. Stop by and enjoy a great tasting cup of freshly brewed tea and see for yourself.
Maji Tea Bar Johns Creek, Georgia opens on June 16th 2018, and will keep daily hours from 11 a.m. to 21 p.m, Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 23 p.m.
30022 Johns Creek, Georgia 5725 State Bridge rd +1 770-674-7586
Maji® Tea Bar ── Brand design by CW Studio